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St. Patty's Day 2012

Thank you SO much for your nice comments & congratulations on my last post!
We are very excited about our pleasant surprise.
We told the girls on St. Patty's Day.
When they woke up, they came downstairs & saw that a leprechaun had visited our house (just like he did last year) He didn't cause as much raucous this year because he is tired. Ha!
He switched the dining room chairs with the kitchen chairs, left a box of Lucky Charms & dyed their milk green ....
Changed Boulder's dog water to green...
And, didn't flush the toliet!!! How rude.
Kate never caught him in her leprachan trap:
But, he did leave the girls a trail of gold coins & a treasure map (can you tell I have been playing Draw Something alot? ha!)
The girls were so excited about the gold coins & gathered them in Claire's blankey.
Their pot of gold was in the guest room along with a gift bag for each of them.
Their special surprise was in the gift bags!!!
Inside was Big Sister t-shirts for each of them.
Here is their reaction when we told them what the shirts said and they would have a new baby sister or brother.
(Please note Claire's excitement & Kate basically doing a Face Palm, then rolling her eyes. CLASSIC!!!!)
We got all of this on video & it is so fun to watch. Claire is truly, truly excited. We told them in the guest room because that is going to be the new baby's nursery. Claire then disappeared to her room & came back with her old crib bedding (that was being stored in her closet)
She set up a "crib" and then brought all her toys/stuffed animals that she thought the baby would like. So cute. I think having a baby around the house will be a very good thing for Claire..she's already sharing!! (this is huge!)
Kate is excited & nervous. She drew me a St. Patty's card. That's me & the baby in my belly.
Later that day, we made cupcakes for our court St. Patty's Day Party.
I made Green Velvet cupcakes for me & the kids and Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes for the adults.
The girls wore their new Big Sister shirts all day & my sister came over to take our picture (that I posted on Sunday). Then we went to the St. Patty's Party & made the announcement to all our neighbors. It was SO fun.
It was a St. Patty's Day to remember!
Only family & a few friends knew about Baby #3. I told my principal on Friday.
It feels so good to be "out". Keeping this secret has been HARD!
More details coming soon!

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